In Part I, we'll analyze the current state of affairs in analytics, dispelling the top 12 fallacies that have taken over the perception of analytics. In Part II, we'll examine the key trends affect…
This book will inspire you to: - Distinguish your company from rivals - Clarify what your company will-and won't-do - Craft a vision for an uncertain future - Create blue oceans of uncontested …
Pedoman ini diharapkan membantu PTMA untuk menyusun, mengimplementasikan, mengevaluasi, serta melakukan tindak lanjut perbaikan secara terus menerus (continous improvement) SPMI di lingkungan masin…
Such standards will require more ambitious comprehension instruction than has typically been offered to students. What will it take to provide such instruction? In this book, Brown and Dewitz go a …
Melalui buku ini, diharapkan pembaca memperoleh gambaran mengenai kondisi perekonomian daerah. Selanjutnya, data-data yang tersedia di dalam buku ini dapat dijadikan acuan oleh Pemerintah Kabupaten…