Buku ini hadir ubtuk menjawab keburuhan mahaiswa agar dapat lebih memahami prinsip mekanisme kerja obat secara molekuler di berbagai target kerja, yaitu enzim, reseptor, kanal ion, dan berbagai mol…
Buku ini berisi tentang kegunaan daun yang berkhasiat untuk obat
This review book divides pharmacology into the topics used in most courses and textbooks. Major introductory chapters (eg, autonomic pharmacology and CNS pharmacology) are included for integration…
Organized to reflect the course sequence in many pharmacology courses and in integrated curricula, Basic & Clinical Pharmacology covers the important concepts students neet to know about the scienc…
The goal of this book is to teach students and practitioners how to effectively research, interpret, evaluate, collate, and disseminate drug information in the most efficient and effective manner p…